Thursday, December 20, 2012

justice is blind in india...?


Sonali Mukherjee is a girl from Dhanbad, India whose face was permanently disfigured by a gruesome acid attack in 2003 when she was just 18. Her family has spent all their savings on her treatment and is now practically living in penury.

In 2003, a group of three men attacked Sonali Mukherjee of Dhanbad in the dead of night and poured a cocktail of acid over her face and body. The incident burnt her body, turned her partially deaf and completely blind. The accused were let off on bail after three years in jail. Nine years on, Sonali has been requesting help from government for her treatment but not even a single file has moved in any of the government offices. Frustrated with her predicament, she now demands Euthanasia to end her life. This is not just one incident that has happened. There are hundreds of Sonali Mukherjees struggling to get what they deserve – justice.

t was a big day for the acid attack victim from Jharkhand's Dhanbad district -- Sonali Mukherjee -- as she underwent yet another surgery on Tuesday hoping to regain a near-normal face, which was badly charred following her tormentor's inhuman act about a decade ago.

Though she had faced as many as 22 surgeries in last nine years, the latest one was different in the way that it was the first time that she could be given the best possible treatment and medical facilities in her fight to get back a face as close to normal as possible.

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has been running a campaign for Sonali seeking justice and best medical treatment to her. Though she has got support from the common citizens of the country, the Centre and the state government have not extended any real or logistical support as yet.

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The surgery began at 10.30 am and lasted about five hours. It was a part of a series of surgeries that would take place at the multi specialty hospital over the next 12 months.

Senior consultant for plastic and reconstructive surgery Dr A.S. Bath said, "We are going to put tissue expanders in her scalp so that we can reconstruct her scalp. She has a large patch of aloepacia on the right side of scalp which is without hair so we will be expanding the normal scalp so that scalp will be used for reconstructing the area where the scar is. Second thing that we are going to do is the reconstruction of her upper eyelids on both the sides and lower eyelid on right side. She has got contracture of eyelids. We are going to release the eyelids and put skin graft there so that she can close the eyelids."

Dr Sanjeev Bagai of BL Kapur Hospital said, "We will put our best foot forward. Best team put together. This is the first amongst a series of surgeries which we have planned out over a period of 12 months. Our aim is to give her some quality of life. I understand the limitations of surgery that we will not be able to give her face like what God had given her, but we will try our best in this hospital whatever we can comprehensively combined as a team. We pray for her that she recovers well and recovers soon and her spirit remains exactly the same."

Sonali, who has been battling her severe injuries hoping to fight her way back to the life that she had dreamt for herself, thanked people for helping her. "I only want to say thank you to everyone, to God, the team of doctors and all of you. I hope to recover soon," she said.

Sonali Mukherji remembers that April 22 night nine years ago when everything went dark for her and her family.
At last, there is hope of a normal life for the 28-year-old Dhanbad acid attack victim, but it comes with a huge price tag - Rs.35 lakh.
More than nine years after she was sprayed with acid by her jilted lover and two of his accomplices, a team of Delhi-based experts - ophthalmologists, ENT specialists, plastic surgeons and skin specialists - have expressed the confidence that they'd be able to restore the looks of Sonali. The patching up, which will involve a series of re-constructive surgeries on her burnt skin, eyes and ears, is likely to cost anything between Rs.32-Rs.35 lakh, estimate the doctors who conducted check-ups on the girl between July 20 and July 23.
However, this news, instead of bringing cheer in the Mukherji family, has left them in shock and despair.
Nilu Mukherji, Sonali's mother, said there was no way that her family with meagre income would be able to meet the whopping cost of the surgeries unless an individual or agency came forward to help them.
The 5th battalion of NCC girls' wing has decided to offer financial assistance to one its former cadets, Sonali but her father Chandidas Mukherjee said that the promised amount was yet to reach her.
Chandidas said, the only person to help them so far is Ram Jethmalani, the noted lawyer and BJP MP who handed over a cheque of Rs.1.39 lakh to him. They knocked the doors of Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj and Union minister of women and child welfare Krishna Teerath but received no response.
"I have lost all hope. There is no justice for me,” Mukherjee, who has undergone 22 facial surgeries so far, says.
"I receive Rs.200 per month from the government as disability allowance for being physically challenged. The entire amount is used to buy medicines. The acid was so strong that I still feel pain in my eyes," Sonali, who suffered 65 per cent burns, said. "That, along with the little that my father manages to earn working as a priest, keeps the fire burning in our kitchen," she added.
Dr Anant Sinha, chief executive officer of Ranchi's Devkamal hospital, offered to operate on Sonali free of cost. While thanking him for the offer Sonali said she needed time to take a decision. "I have been ditched by many doctors, so I am taking precautions. I need time to decide."
Sonali, who is now in Delhi to gather support for her cause from the government, activists and lawyers, said that ever since the attack, she and her family had been living in fear of a rerun of the 2003 act, more so because her tormentors were out on bail.
"We are scared but helpless. They have threatened to attack us again. My family has sent my younger brother away to live with my maternal uncles," Sonali said.
She added that despite tall claims, none of the political stalwarts of the state - Arjun Munda, Shibu Soren and other leaders - had delivered on their promises of chipping in with financial support from the state government.
Meanwhile, Bokaro deputy commissioner Sunil Kumar, who at present holds charge of the coal capital as well, has served a show cause notice on the Dhanbad jail superintendent.
Kumar, in his notice has asked jail superintendent Hamid Akhtar to explain how the main accused in the case Tapas Mitra, who is out on bail, had been hired by the prison authorities as a computer operator without his approval.
The prison authorities are said to have immediately sacked Mitra from the job.
"I cannot do anything unless I receive a nod from the state government. My department is ready to chip in with financial help and I have also written to senior officials in Ranchi in this regard," Kumar said. He added that he would try his best to arrange a monthly pension for Sonali's mother and a house for the family at Kasmar.
 According to Thomas Reuters foundation survey, India is the fourth most dangerous place for women to live in. Acid attacks also known as vitriolage is a violent attack especially on women. Every year around 1500 people are attacked in this way across the world. Reports indicate that out of them, 80% are women and 40% to 70% are below 18 years of age.

 i am salute my inspiration Sonali Mukherjee but am also salute her father who never be loose all hopes and take care of her sweet daughter ,he is also born in India but his mentality is too damn good if all Indian fathers think like him behaved like him, India became my favorite country a developing country... 
if you think about her please help her.. all necessary contact information you get collect from her Facebook account or from goggle 

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