Thursday, December 20, 2012

indian wife sacrifice

35-year-old Rani doesn’t have to fear for her life anymore. She may not like her husband all that much, but she knows that she and her two daughters, aged 10 and 7, are safe at home even when he is around. Feeling safe at home is a new experience for Rani. A garment factory worker in Roopena Agraha in Bangalore, Rani was tortured physically and mentally by her husband, Mohan, ever since they got married 14 years ago. The visible scars on her body and forehead bare witness to the violence inflicted on her. He was an alcoholic, didn’t earn money, didn’t pay the bills and would sell household articles including Rani’s clothes, the kids’ uniforms, utensils, kerosene and groceries to pay for his alcohol.



respect the women please ,women is our soul and we are just seeds think about it

                        POOR SEX RATION IN INDIA      
S.NO       Name of the State                                        Censes              Censes           Increase or Decrease
                                                                                    2001              2011                   in percentages


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